Optimizing Resources: CTO’s challenges in a Budget-Constrained World

CTO Challenges in a Budget-Constrained World: How The Flock Aids with Staff Augmentation Services

In the fast-paced world of technology, Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) often find themselves at the crossroads of needing to execute ambitious projects with limited budgets. The pressure to stay competitive and at the forefront of innovation is constant, and finding smart ways to optimize resources has become a top priority. In this article, we will explore the CTO’s challenges in such situations and how The Flock can be their secret ally through staff augmentation services.

Challenge 1: Budget Constraints

One of the biggest hurdles for a CTO is budget constraints. Technology projects often require significant investment in talent, infrastructure, and development, which can be overwhelming when resources are limited. CTOs must find ways to do more with less, and this is where staff augmentation comes into play.

How The Flock Can Help CTOs Overcome Budget Constraints

The Flock offers an efficient solution to this challenge. With its staff augmentation services, CTOs can access a team of highly skilled professionals at a fraction of the cost of hiring full-time employees. This allows them to tap into the necessary talent without the financial burden of salaries and benefits. For CTOs looking to stretch their budgets, The Flock’s staff augmentation services provide a cost-effective solution.

Challenge 2: Local Talent Shortage

In many instances, finding the right talent locally can be a challenge. Skill shortages in the job market can limit hiring options, further complicating the execution of critical projects.

How The Flock Addresses Talent Shortages

The Flock overcomes this challenge by providing access to an extensive global talent pool. CTOs can find experts in various technologies and disciplines regardless of their geographic location. This not only expands hiring options but also brings a fresh and diverse perspective to projects. With The Flock’s global reach, CTOs can access the skills they need, no matter where they are located.

Challenge 3: Adaptability and Agility

In a constantly evolving technological world, adaptability and agility are essential. CTOs must be ready to change course and address new technologies or emerging challenges at the drop of a hat.

The Flock’s Contribution to Adaptability

The staff augmentation from The Flock allows CTOs to have a flexible and scalable team that can quickly adapt to changing market demands. Whether you need to expand your team temporarily or downsize after a project, The Flock can adjust to your needs. This adaptability ensures that CTOs can respond swiftly to market shifts and stay ahead of the curve.

Challenge 4: Maintaining Quality and Speed

Despite budget constraints, CTOs must maintain high-quality standards and deliver projects on time. This often involves finding a balance between efficiency and excellence.

Ensuring Quality with The Flock

The Flock is committed to providing high-quality talent that can seamlessly integrate into your existing team. This helps ensure that your projects run smoothly and meet quality expectations, even when resources are limited. CTOs can rely on The Flock to deliver results efficiently without compromising on quality.

In summary, CTOs face ongoing challenges when they need to execute projects on a tight budget. However, The Flock offers an effective solution through its staff augmentation services. By leveraging this resource, CTOs can optimize their resources, access global talent, maintain agility, and ensure quality in their projects, even under challenging financial conditions. The staff augmentation from The Flock is the strategic ally that CTOs need in their pursuit of technological excellence.

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Nearshoring in Latin America: Powering the Growth of Global IT Businesses

Staffing vs in-house hiring: benefits and drawbacks for your startup

Unlock innovation with exceptional Latin American software developers

Building a strong team: Effective practices for enhanced productivity and success

Strategic Solutions for Executives: Solving the Challenge of Hiring IT Talent

The Flock revolutionizes IT Hiring Costs

In today’s digital age, information technology (IT) plays a crucial role in the success of any business. The demand for IT talent has surged, leading to a common challenge faced by executives: the high hiring costs for IT professionals. In this article, we will delve into this challenge and explore how strategies like staff augmentation and nearshoring can offer cost-effective solutions.

The Challenge of Hiring IT Talent

Technology is continually evolving, and businesses must keep up to remain competitive. This has created a high demand for skilled IT professionals, including software developers, data engineers, data scientists, and cybersecurity specialists. However, hiring these professionals is no easy task.

One of the primary challenges faced by executives is the high cost associated with hiring IT talent. Competitive salaries and additional benefits required to attract and retain these professionals can be overwhelming for many companies, especially smaller or growing ones.

The Impact of High Hiring Costs

The high hiring costs for IT professionals can significantly affect a company’s profitability and growth potential. Here are some ways these costs impact organizations:

  • Budget Pressure: The substantial salaries and benefits can strain a company’s budget, limiting investments in critical areas of development and expansion.
  • Fierce Competition: The demand for IT talent has led to fierce competition among companies, resulting in inflated salary offers and talent wars, further driving up costs.
  • Employee Turnover: Companies unable to keep up with market salaries are more likely to experience high employee turnover. Losing talent and the constant need for recruitment and training can be costly and disruptive.
  • Limited Innovation: High hiring costs can hamper a company’s ability to invest in innovation and product development, ultimately affecting its competitiveness in the market.

Innovative Solutions with The Flock as a Key Ally 

On-Demand Talent: The Flock provides a platform that enables companies to quickly expand their teams with validated tech professionals from Latin America. The process is streamlined and efficient:

  • Hiring and Managing Validated Talent: The Flock offers a platform where you can browse profiles of technology professionals validated by the company, ensuring they have the necessary skills and qualifications.
  • Easy, Flexible, and Fast: The search and hiring process for technology professionals is straightforward and speedy, simplifying the hiring process at every stage.
  • Secure Hiring: The hiring process ensures that hired professionals meet required standards and expectations.
  • Budget-Friendly: The company customizes proposals according to your budget when hiring technology professionals.
  • Risk-Free Trial Satisfaction Guarantee: The Flock offers a guarantee that if the hired professionals do not meet expectations during a risk-free trial period, they will be replaced, demonstrating the company’s confidence in the quality of the professionals it provides.

Managed Software Teams: In this service, The Flock offers a more comprehensive solution for businesses seeking to execute tech projects with an expert team:

  • Project Consultation: The Flock starts by understanding the client’s project or idea, discussing requirements, scope, and objectives.
  • Expert Team Building: The company assembles a team of talented professionals led by its own experts (“The Flockers”) to help manage projects and technology teams to scale and accelerate them.
  • Managed Results and Project Success: The focus is on achieving specific project objectives and delivering satisfactory results.
  • Speed and Flexibility: Like the On-Demand Talent service, speed and flexibility are key factors in The Flock’s operation, enabling them to build a team ready to help you scale your project within days.



High hiring costs for IT professionals pose challenges for executives across companies of all sizes. However, innovative strategies like staff augmentation and nearshoring offer effective solutions to address this challenge. By adopting these strategies and partnering with allies like The Flock, companies can access the necessary talent without compromising their budget and innovation capacity, positioning themselves for success in today’s digital economy.

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Nearshoring in Latin America: Powering the Growth of Global IT Businesses

Staffing vs in-house hiring: benefits and drawbacks for your startup

Unlock innovation with exceptional Latin American software developers

Building a strong team: Effective practices for enhanced productivity and success

Do you have difficulty hiring qualified candidates?

qualified candidates

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, finding qualified candidates has become a significant challenge. Organizations face significant obstacles when trying to find technical talent that fits their needs. In this blog post, we dissect the issue and its complexities, assess its critical relevance, and explore how The Flock can be your essential ally in overcoming these challenges.

Challenges in Searching for Qualified Candidates

Finding qualified candidates is a complex task for many companies. One of the main challenges is the growing demand for highly trained technical professionals in an increasingly competitive labor market. Engineers, software developers, data scientists and information technology experts are essential to driving innovation and growth. However, the gap between the supply and demand of talent in these areas remains a persistent problem.

Additionally, globalization has expanded the reach of companies, meaning the competition for talent has become global. Finding candidates who not only have the necessary skills, but also the ability to adapt to the company culture and values of the organization is an additional challenge.

Why the problem is critical

The difficulty in finding qualified candidates has a significant impact on companies. First, a lack of qualified technical personnel can slow down product and project development, affecting a company’s ability to remain competitive in the market. Hiring delays can result in missed opportunities and a longer time to market.

Additionally, hiring unqualified or unsuitable personnel can lead to an increase in employee turnover, resulting in additional costs and negatively affecting the morale of the existing team. Talented employees may feel demotivated if they have to work with colleagues who do not live up to their expectations, negatively impacting productivity and work quality.

How The Flock Can Help You with Access to Global Talent

Amid these challenges, The Flock stands out as a solution for companies looking for qualified candidates. Global hiring or nearshoring, facilitated by The Flock, allows companies to access a broader and more diverse pool of technical talent, which can increase the quality and specialization of personnel.

  • Extensive Global Reach: The Flock has access to a global network of highly qualified technical professionals in diverse geographic locations. This means companies can look for talent in regions where the specific skills they need are most abundant.
  • Talent Diversity: Diversity in the workplace is essential for innovation and creative problem-solving. The Flock allows companies to diversify their workforce by recruiting candidates from different backgrounds and cultures.
  • Cost Reduction: Global sourcing or nearshoring through The Flock can be a cost-effective option compared to local sourcing in areas with higher labor costs.

In short, difficulty finding qualified candidates is a critical issue that can severely impact a company’s growth and competitiveness. The Flock offers a solution by providing access to diverse and highly skilled global talent. By leveraging this global network of professionals, companies can overcome the challenges of technical recruiting and achieve sustainable success in today’s market. Discover how The Flock can optimize your search for technical talent globally!

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Nearshoring in Latin America: Powering the Growth of Global IT Businesses

Staffing vs in-house hiring: benefits and drawbacks for your startup

Unlock innovation with exceptional Latin American software developers

Building a strong team: Effective practices for enhanced productivity and success

What is a growth mindset and why is it important in a constantly changing work environment?

growth mindset

A growth mindset, also known as a learning mindset, is the belief that skills and abilities can be developed through dedication, effort, and perseverance. It is based on the idea that skills are not innate but can be improved and expanded through continuous learning.

In a constantly changing work environment, embracing this proactive and persevering attitude is crucial for several reasons.
Adaptation to change: In a rapidly evolving environment, outdated skills, and knowledge quickly become irrelevant. A growth mindset enables you to adapt and learn new skills to maintain your relevance and competitiveness in the workplace. It helps you embrace change as an opportunity for growth and professional development.

  • Skills development: This thinking fosters a willingness to acquire new skills and knowledge. It allows you to stay updated with the latest technologies, methodologies, and best practices in your field. By being open to continuous learning and improvement, you can expand your skillset and become a valuable asset to your organization.
  • Problem-solving: A growth mindset promotes resilience and the ability to face challenges and solve problems effectively. It enables you to view obstacles as opportunities for learning and development rather than insurmountable barriers. By being willing to learn and explore new solutions, you can approach work-related challenges more creatively and efficiently.
  • Innovation and creativity: It also encourages curiosity and exploration. It encourages you to seek new ideas, perspectives, and approaches. By being open to learning from different sources and disciplines, you can generate innovative ideas and foster creativity in your work. This is especially important in environments where innovation is key to business success.
  • Continuous professional development: A growth mindset drives you to seek opportunities for professional development and personal growth. You can pursue training, courses, conferences, and mentorships to expand your knowledge and skills. This not only benefits your individual development but also contributes to the overall success of the organization by having motivated and prepared employees.


By adopting this mindset, you become more agile, resilient, and prepared to face the challenges and opportunities that arise in a constantly evolving environment.


Staffing vs in-house hiring: benefits and drawbacks for your startup

Differences between a freelance and a contractor, two ways of referring to the same thing?

Building a strong team: Effective practices for enhanced productivity and success


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Layoffs in the technology Sector and their Impact on remote work

Layoffs in the technology

The current situation in the world of technology is one of uncertainty and constant change. Many #tech companies are experiencing a decrease in their revenues and are cutting costs, which has resulted in an increase in layoffs in the industry. Although in the past, employment in technology companies used to be considered a secure job, nowadays this is not necessarily true. The demand for human labor has decreased in some areas, and there is increasing pressure on workers to be better and more efficient.

5 keys to reducing costs without losing talent quality

The technology sector:

is one of the most dynamic and fast-moving in terms of change and evolution. It is constantly transforming and developing, just like the capital market. This modifies the plans of #tech companies. The focus is no longer on growth, but rather on profitability.

Investors are increasingly seeking technology companies that can demonstrate their ability to generate sustainable revenues and maintain a competitive advantage in the long term. This means that technology companies must be more aware of the risks and opportunities that arise as technology evolves and markets change. They are feeling the pressure to be more transparent about their strategy and financial results. Investors are demanding more information and accurate data on the performance of technology companies, including information on profitability, growth, and the ability to maintain a competitive advantage.




The increase in global competition:

is playing a significant role in the context of layoffs in the technology sector. With more companies competing for a share of the market, many find it difficult to stay afloat and cut costs by eliminating jobs.

Repeated layoffs shake the stability of full-time employment, leaving a pool of highly skilled talent available to join the freelance remote talent mode. Reconsidering their job security and eager for greater control and flexibility over their time.


Work dynamics are changing as much as this industry

Faced with the massive reduction in personnel that prominent companies are carrying out, different hiring models and opportunities that respond to the concerns and interests of new talent become relevant. In this way, a conglomerate of technology workers is created, available to participate in new projects.

Furthermore, layoffs can also affect the work culture of a technology company. Technology companies often have unique work cultures, based on collaboration, innovation, and teamwork. When a company lays off a large number of employees, it can negatively impact the morale and work culture of the company. The remaining employees may feel less committed or even fearful of being the next to be laid off.

Despite the instability, many niche companies continue to grow and expand. There is a high demand for skilled individuals in areas such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, robotics, software development, data analytics, etc.

In this context of the accelerated transformation of the technology sector, the constants to face the new labor organization seem to be two: flexibility, remote and asynchronous work.


 How to better manage freelance teams?

Staff Augmentation in your business: What it is and How it Works?

Outsourcing software services: What is it and why should you consider it for your business?



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It is impossible to compete with those who enjoy and love what they do

The Head of Operations in a company not only is in charge of avoiding and reducing failures that do not add any value to the organization but they also try to optimize processes in order to make them more efficient by means of strategic initiatives. Pablo Zuccarino is the Head of Operations in The Flock and told us about the challenges he takes up and the satisfaction he feels in such a job in a startup, where he is ready to draw up on the blank sheets.


How do you deal with time management and processes of this kind of ground-breaking company which does not have any how-to manual?

Such a good question, as every company is different and the startups in particular do not have any magical recipe for resolving problems. What I often do is to make agreements among teams that let us work in an organized and efficient way. As an agile person, I am always open to change and many times we apply the Lean manufacturing process for continual improvement. In organizations like this one, with such an exponential growth, procedures are hard to organize due to constant change. However, by using continual improvement, we adapt our processes in small pieces to constant change. The most important thing for us all is to be efficient so the changes can be transparent within our procedures for both the Flockers and our customers.


Where do you start from when accelerating processes? How do you focus on a potential problem?

I start by doing an assessment of the place or organization that asks for the process’ improvement. The aim of that need and the expected outcome are established. Then the Pareto principle (80/20 rule) is applied in order to prioritize the needs of improvements that are found and to make changes in the required processes for obtaining the greatest benefit in the shortest time possible.


Can you describe a Head of Operations’ typical day?

Really busy. The Head of Operations is focused on every process functioning, on the project’s follow-up and on guaranteeing a proper service for the clients. But above all, we want to make sure the Flockers know this is the best place to work and that the clients consider us as partners in their developments rather than simple software service providers. It is essential to do a daily follow-up of projects and processes without neglecting the long-term strategic aims.


Which is the greatest challenge when setting your goals?

Within a start-up, every goal is a challenge. There are too many things to do, changes take place very fast and that is the attractive part of short, middle and long-term aims. It is relevant to identify the quick wins that enable us to make quality leaps in our growth. It is also vital to be defiant with the objectives but at the same time being a bit conservative on some occasions. An uncontrolled growth may cause big problems in the processes at the expense of the customer service quality. That’s why our main objective is to grow as fast as possible without giving rise to risk in our service quality.


Which is the most difficult methodology to apply and why?

There are no easy or difficult methodologies to apply. The challenge arises when you work as a change agent in the company you are collaborating with and there is no applied methodology.

It is common that there is some resistance to change and if there are no outcomes or synergy among the teams, it is really hard to generate change opportunities. I used to work as an agile coach for a bank where I worked with a big team and there was a huge resistance to methodological changes.

We agile workers tend to come across as relaxed when you meet with people who are used to working with more traditional methodologies and that generates mistrust. I got really satisfied with the end of the year’s feedback: “This thing about agility gives good results, I didn’t believe it at first but now I see it more organized and we can see the improvements more clearly.”


Which is your slogan when working?

“Have fun”. It is impossible to compete with those who enjoy and love what they do.

I constantly get enormous satisfaction from the work we are doing in The Flock, which is really entertaining. New challenges are continually arising and that make us improve every day.


Why are startups so attractive for remote talents?

Because of the flexibility and constant innovation that most of them offer. Those who work remotely are not comfortable with the idea of office work and like to manage their own time. And startups allow that. People work by objectives that are in general very challenging but they are able to manage their own time and energy. In most cases, the startups offer great challenges related to technology and continual improvement which is important for those who dare to go beyond and face them.


Which are the main challenges of designing processes and establishing them in a remote work enterprise?

Most people who work remotely, either digital nomads or freelancers, usually do asynchronous work. So they adjust their timetable the way they want. The challenge is to synchronize in an efficient way their work with the rest of the team. By means of agile methodologies, specified requirements, repository management and automatic deployment processes it is possible to achieve this even when working from different time zones.


Which is the difference between doing a job in-person in a company and doing it remotely?

In my whole life I have worked in-person, hybrid and remotely. I consider it is completely possible to work remotely and even more efficiently, as you can invest the commuting time in personal tasks, such as going to the gym or picking up your children from school. However, it is also a nice thing to often meet your colleagues to build better relationships within the company.

It is essential to be organized with time management when working remotely. You should follow certain behavior rules and be able to fulfill the established goals. If we are not able to control this, we may be not doing our best to fulfill the goals or we may be going through a burnout due to working 14 hours (which was so common at the beginning of the pandemic, when people were not used to remote work.)

Today’s worldwide trend is remote work, The Flock knows it and it is ready for this increasing way of working.



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Staff Augmentation in your business: What it is and How it Works?

Exploring End-to-End Solutions for different technology scenarios

5 keys to reducing costs without losing talent quality


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Latin American Talent has the key for succeeding in a remote world in their DNA

Remote work has increased 91% in popularity over the last 10 years. After the Covid19, it has grown and it has accelerated processes that some companies had already started. Within this new working model, many challenges have arisen but they must be turned into chances. Today it is no longer necessary to be from 9 to 6 in an office to develop professionally. The freelance modality allows workers to manage their own time given accomplishing goals or objectives it’s what is really important. Not where or at what time you are working. Given freelance and remote work are growing exponentially the recruiting world is changing too and now ONLINE has become the main way for connecting with new talent. The biggest demanding task in this post-pandemic era is, at the same time, the biggest advantage of remote work. Nowadays all meetings and interviews are virtual and, although that has provided a wide variety of possibilities when recruiting talents because of the access to people all around the world, it has also taken out an essential part of communication, the non-verbal one.

The most significant challenge for organizations is how to make the best talents work in their company when there is such a great offer in similar conditions. What makes The Flock different from the rest is that despite being freelance #flockers that join the team and certain projects, the enterprise culture is above all the employees. There are activities in common in order to gather and meet each other no matter where they are. The Flock is above all a COMMUNITY of talented tech freelancers, where they can access challenging projects globally, self-managing themselves 100% but being also part of a network that supports them and that they can rely on.


The distinctive feature of Latin-American talent is contained in its DNA

According to the UN, in 2020 remote work was only considered as an option by 3% of the population. Today between 20% and 30% of Latin Americans work this way.

The great difference in all Latin America, not only in the labor market, is that people who are born and live in this region have a more adaptable personality to change. Since childhood, adaptability comes from the culture and the situations experienced in this zone. And that makes them a talent hub for companies outside Latin America. People from this region are brought up in an economically and, in some cases, socially unstable context, which allows them to develop an adaptability and flexibility capacity different from people from the rest of the world.
Doubtlessly, this feature is key when having to work remotely. Currently, the balance between personal life and work is clearer than before the pandemic. Home office stabilizes these two aspects. It is no longer only a “benefit”, workers do not only look for an attractive salary but they consider the offer as a whole. And that involves an equilibrium between work and personal life and a more flexible schedule and conditions.

Today’s workers want to be evaluated for the value they provide and not for the volume. And the question here is how to build confidence in the digital world. Micromanagement (personnel management philosophy that involves the strict supervision of the assigned tasks to employees by the manager or a hierarchical superior) is a waste of time and energy and it generates distrust not only from the leader to their team, but also the other way round and the best results come from teamwork and synergy indeed. It’s the leader who must create that confident relationship so their team can work efficiently and independently without worrying about insignificant matters.


The challenge of retaining talent

Before it was common for a professional to stay the whole career in the same organization but these days it is more frequent for talent to change jobs and enterprises and even to work simultaneously for many of them. This represents an explicit and implicit fact. Both parties are aware of the ‘threats’ within the labor market which can tempt the resource drain. Is this the end of the company’s presence? As stated by Forbes Magazine, the main millennials’ ambitions are 57% travel, 52% being rich, 49% buying a house, 46% having a positive impact on society and 39% raising a family. Therefore, every talent wants to add new experiences, instead of accumulating years of experience. They want to work how, when and where they want. They are no longer interested in a career in a company with rigid hierarchies, they want to work with leaders from whom they can learn, and work on challenging and impactful projects.

So, the question is how to retain talent. In relation to freelance talent digital platforms, the key is to provide support for them so they can focus on their tasks without dealing with matters that are not of their competence. This is what happens in The Flock. Every employee works in the area they love and then the community supports them in order to perform well in their objectives.


Opportunities: the launch pad to success

Despite the labor market is more and more competitive due to the endless chances of online self-learning courses, it is no longer necessary to have university degrees that guarantee the talent’s knowledge. Every talent has something good to offer and the only thing that separates them from success is the chance of showing their abilities and skills. The Flock offers multiple challenges and projects in which each talent can develop without worrying about anything but their work. Clear goals, a supportive community, and the opportunity to start the life you long for.


Building a strong team: Effective practices for enhanced productivity and success

The key is integration: Discover the roles that make up a technology development team

5 keys to reducing costs without losing talent quality



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How to manage IT remote teams – 5 key aspects

The era of fully in-person work is going through a transition toward another working model. There are plenty of ways of making up, maintaining, and leading teams without having to meet face-to-face in a physical space, but this is not exempt from risks, which we must be ready to face.

Taking into account the changes that are taking place in the current world and, mainly, in the labor market, new demands and new stages appear, where it is possible to develop projects at a faster pace and at other spatial levels. These projects are interconnected from different places of the world and it is also feasible thanks to other team dynamics.

Asynchronous work, technological agility, and the chance of identifying the geographical location of talents in any part of the world have become really interesting considering that, at this moment, there are other ways of designing, achieving, and sharing projects.

Nowadays, there are many digital tools that let us use agile and flexible methodologies to assign roles and tasks among the members of each team, organize the schedule of every activity and establish assessment and revision methods. At the same time, it is possible to come to common agreements related to each project.



Regarding the IT area, the necessity of finding skilled personnel leads to the search for new talents by outsourcing and, at the same time, to the constant training that the new employees are offered to undergo daily challenges.

There are more and more companies that decide to work remotely but they do not know how to do it or fear failing during that process. Despite that, it is completely profitable. Beyond the economic benefits that are obtained after that decision, it is also true that leading teams remotely means putting faith in new working methodologies and internal and external strategies of communication. The result of these changes can be seen in better working conditions and greater creativity, productivity, and efficiency. So, when workers feel more at ease in the enterprise, they are likely to remain there.

The key is to generate a good work environment by creating mutual support conditions, where challenges can be seen as an opportunity to move forward and grow as professionals and not as an obstacle that prevents them from improving their performance.

The IT talents that are part of the teams feel the necessity of incorporating technical competencies and soft skills to fulfill their tasks properly and, in many cases, employers must invest in training to achieve that.

Therefore, it is logical that many companies feel that when modifying their work structure, they lose control of the process and the implementation of the planning. However, at this point, it is also essential to a supervision strategy and the chance of fluent communication, where everyone’s position is appreciated, so both of them know they are going on the same track.  


Now, let’s speak about 5 key aspects when leading IT teams remotely:

  1.   Set out the working time: every planning requires setting goals to fulfill, way of measuring results and, at the same time, it is necessary to fix the deadlines that must be met by the team and the personal time of every worker. It is essential that this planning makes it possible to organize the personal schedule and the numberf hours assigned to work, because if there is a balance between boem, performance and productivity in the execution of projects are likely to improve. The way of solving difficulties must also be identified responsibly.
  2.   Make a constant follow-up: as they are not in the same physical space, employers and employees need to get in touch to move forward in each stage. Although it is true that when working remotely those distances seem to be longer, the leader of the team must get together with the other members not only through video conferences or video calls but also through common documents where they share the improvements, to evaluate the development of the project, revise the KPIs and make the necessary modifications.
  3.   Strengthen the communication: it is key to set out communication channels using which notifications, announcements, updates related to the team, and relevant information will be sent and shared. It is also essential to coordinate online meetings between the leaders and the people involved in the project, so they can speak about their ideas, suggestions, and contributions. Taking into account their needs and answering their questions lead to a fluent exchange that makes the improvement feasible in a fast and clever way.
  4.   Promote and develop confidence: it is important to appreciate empathy, offer attentive listening, and promote respect among workers. This makes it possible to develop a confident environment where everyone feels accompanied by the rest of the workers to achieve common goals. They should also be helped by their leaders to overcome any obstacle and learn from every experience. The fact of having the chance to express their feelings, expectations, and aspirations in front of others causes a better understanding, willingness, and commitment toward the job they are performing.
  5.   Appreciate the achievements at an internal and external level: this is an effective way to encourage the employees to continue developing their tasks and being part of the team. The appreciation can be within the enterprise or in a public way. This will boost their self-esteem, raise their desire for growth and success, and, therefore, they will feel totally encouraged.

In this sense, considering some trends, such as the Gig economy, which leads the way to the future of the business market, it is clear that the leadership of IT teams remotely is completely beneficial, as it is a tool that enables to offer more excellent temporary job opportunities to skilled personnel (by objectives or being part of certain projects). At the same time, it makes possible a coordinated job that balances the need of keeping certain flexibility and independence and the need of producing in a current context of high competence and hyper-specialization.



How to better manage freelance teams

Differences between a freelance and a contractor, two ways of referring to the same thing?

7 Essential Steps in IT Talent Recruitment


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The secret of effectiveness lies in a Culture of Open Talent

Companies today face a critical juncture as they strive to innovate their practices and dynamics while still maintaining traditional work schemes that require physical presence in the office. This has led to a constantly changing company culture that leverages technology and the internet to find new and better ways of exchange beyond face-to-face work.

The labor market’s current reality reflects the new needs of both enterprises and freelance workers. Companies must decide whether to continue their talent recruitment and selection processes as they have in the past or explore new methods.

Regardless of their approach, companies must embrace the new virtual model and incorporate platforms and digital resources into their work. The opportunities presented by this new situation justify the importance of respecting and including diverse options.

To create an open talent culture, companies must remain in constant contact with collaborators and other companies, increase talent sources by seeking flexible and open ones, encourage talent flow while respecting time, roles, and specific needs, and commit to recruiting new talents.

The goal is to prevent a company culture from becoming closed, blocked, and rigid, as this traditional talent system limits the flow of resources and hinders profitable exchange. Most organizations still adhere to a traditional working model – the permanent employee with a fixed schedule – that cannot keep pace with the rapid pace of change in the information and technology sectors.

Promoting an open talent culture does not mean accepting everything equally, which can lead to disorder. Instead, it allows for greater energy, idea flow, and task sharing, leading to innovative solutions within the organization.

In this context, the foundations of the open talent culture are:

  • Transparency and openness. Once the new temporary members are incorporated, new information and methods exist to solve problems. The openness to new information and methodologies is the key to the company’s success.
  • Agility and dynamism. Open talent cultures are abundant in suggestions and experiences from freelance workers who, as a global community, provide a specific approach to share new tools and methods.
  • The incorporation of global talent promotes the addition of different cultures and ways of thinking. The fact of having a culture that is focused on inclusion will improve the results significantly.
  • Collaborative environment. It is essential to understand that, to achieve the best performance of remote workers, we must collaborate openly.
  • Management by objectives. Open talent cultures hire employees who work by projects. The enterprises that apply this methodology have fewer permanent labor relationships.
  • More predictability. One of the main problems of an organization is to be able to know which actions it may need in the future. In this context, with an open talent culture, the functions of the employees are reduced and remain without internal background which makes them unable to operate. There is no prejudice when leading change.



What’s the use of keeping a fixed work team in which its members feel blocked, without any chance of growing and even any clear goals? For what purpose do we resist taking advantage of the new work dynamics?

The current work models must be more and more aligned with the hybrid schemes and the dynamism of the context in which they are developed. Having a close talent culture that does not go together with external events and trends causes the loss of effectiveness at all of its organizational levels.

An enterprise that maintains its open talent culture, with its front doors in constant movement allowing employees to move freely, is likely to have more effectiveness when showing the results.

This is not a new trend but the promoters of the open talent culture allow the mixed and flexible labor force to increase at a pace that has not been possible so far.


 How to better manage freelance teams?

Staff Augmentation in your business: What it is and How it Works?

Outsourcing software services: What is it and why should you consider it for your business?


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