Discover the working trends in the Tech World⁣

Remote work has been increasing more and more. Performing daily tasks from your living room, managing flexible time, and being in contact with people and projects from all over the world was a utopia some years ago. However, the post-pandemic world has shown us that not only is this modality completely possible but also it

Nicolas Castro November 23, 2022

Remote work has been increasing more and more.

Performing daily tasks from your living room, managing flexible time, and being in contact with people and projects from all over the world was a utopia some years ago. However, the post-pandemic world has shown us that not only is this modality completely possible but also it is a current reality for many.


At The Flock, we are keen on getting to know which are the working trends mainly in the tech world. That’s why, in October this year, we carried out a survey of technological profiles around the world in order to look into their preferences when developing themselves as professionals.


The survey respondents were men and women of all ages. The main age range was between 25 and 35, followed by the one between 36 and 45. We received responses from different nationalities, such as Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Costa Rica.



Most of the ones polled belong to the Development area, followed by Business and Product, and finally, Design. The first answer that called our attention was that 90% of them are currently working remotely. Most of them have chosen this modality during the last years, exactly between 2 and 4 years ago, which coincides with the pandemic appearance that has made us redevelop our working methodologies.


Regarding the interests that bring about this choice, most agreed on the fact that the home office enables them to balance their personal life and work in a more effective way. In the second place, almost a quarter of the respondents highlighted the chance of working in any part of the world, which solves commuting issues. Finally, other aspects such as optimization, income level, and improvements in productivity were mentioned.



Besides, we also wanted to determine if the choice of one modality or another is related to the fact of choosing projects in places away from their cities of residence. But the answers were divided almost in halves into those who work on projects in their own country, those who have international clients, and those who do both. This can indicate the flexibility provided by the new technologies combined with remote work modalities, enabling us to be part of worldwide projects.


Moreover, we would like to point out that 60 % of the ones polled stated that they have once received a proposal for working remotely during the last 6 months. And among the most decisive aspects in order to evaluate this kind of offer are time optimization, salaries, challenges involved in every project or position, and finally, the company culture.



In accordance with labor relations in this type of job, most said that they were full-time independent contractors closely followed by those who work in an employer-employee relationship. To a lesser extent, some respondents are freelancers who look for clients on their own (11%) or use platforms for that purpose (6%). Regarding working conditions, almost half of them affirmed that they were established unilaterally by the company or employer, meanwhile, the minority said they reached an agreement about it together with their employers. Just a small percentage stated that they themselves set the conditions.


We also wonder how many of these people that are nowadays working remotely would like to come back to an in-person modality if there is a chance. Taking into account all the benefits that remote work brings about, we were not surprised when we discovered that most of them claimed they would not work face-to-face again.



However, there was a smaller percentage of respondents that would dismiss the chance of working remotely or would come back to an on-site modality. And there is only one reason: daily contact with the work team. This tells us that there is still a challenge to take up in this new scenario: how to create communities and promote work teams even thousands of kilometers away.



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